Focusing on Pre-Qualification

Focusing on Pre-Qualification

The traditional sales and qualification process in the Kitchen & Bath industry could take several days to weeks to finally get a formal commitment from a prospective client.  This involved many hours of meetings, measuring, guessing, and computer work.  All of this, many times, just to end up with a “No.”  All that time wasted when you could have been doing something you love.

DesignAlign transforms this inefficiency by separating the qualification process into 2 steps.  This first step, the Pre-Qualification step, is where DesignAlign changes the game.  Instead of wasting days or weeks to get a commitment (or not) from your prospect, with the help of DesignAlign you can get to that “Yes” or “No” in a matter of hours.

Not only will this platform help you get that commitment faster, but the collaborative nature involved in DesignAlign’s process builds a sense of ownership of that final investment figure as well as building trust through transparency with your prospective client as you both create their dream kitchen and/or bath together.  This increased visibility, trust, and professionalism is sure to increase your closing ratio by leaps and bounds.

After you've gained client commitment and received your retainer fee, you'll continue on to the second step of building a formal design and quote for your client.

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