Knowledge Base & FAQs
There is an extensive searchable catalog of “How-To’s” as well as Frequently Asked Questions available that can explain how to do just about anything inside DesignAlign.
Talk to Tilly
Tilly is our advanced AI chat assistant. You can ask her anything, and she will comb through our available articles to try to find the best answer for your question. If she can’t find an acceptable answer, she will get you to someone who can help you further.
In-App Assistance
We have several tool tips and “How-To’s” built in to the platform. We even have detailed or overview step-by-step journeys that you can activate right within the platform on demand.
Live Chat
Live chat is available through Tilly during operational hours. If Tilly can’t help you, she will send you to one of our live USA based support staff members.
You can choose to leave an email message through Tilly, or email us directly at for technical support issues or for billing issues.
Phone Support
If Tilly and live chat still don’t get you the answer you need, we can call you directly through the chat interface. No frustrating waiting on hold for 20 minutes listening to horrible music!
Submit a Ticket
Simply click on "Ask Tilly" at the bottom right of the screen, and select "Create a Support Ticket." A representative will typically get back to you within one business day.