How do I modify the Investment Template?

How do I modify the Investment Template?

In DesignAlign you can modify each template you create as you build the Investment for your prospective client.  If you have any modifications you consistently make and would like them to be "preset" in the Investment Analysis, DesignAlign has the ability to modify the default Investment Templates.  To modify your default Investment Template:
  1. Click on Settings in the left-hand menu (will open in a separate tab.)
  2. Click on Investment Templates in the left-hand menu.
  3. Select the Template you wish to modify.
  4. Modify and/or remove any categories you wish.
    1. IMPORTANT - Categories that are deleted cannot be re-added.
    2. To restore deleted categories, you will need to click the RESTORE TO ORIGINAL button at the top of the center pane.
All modification are made in real-time, so there is no need to "save" the template.

Once you've finished editing the Template, you can close the current settings tab and return to DesignAlign tab.  

If you need to remove the edits you have made to the template and return the Template to original default settings, click the RESTORE TO ORIGINAL button at the top of the center pane.
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